Player Help

I'll be putting useful information on how to use Grav for purposes of this game on this page once I get a better feel for how we want to use it. Please let me know what information you'd like to see here. Here's a tentative guide for now, and we'll refine it as needed.

Character Bios

Once we decide on a bio template, we'll post the outline here (or I'll figure out how to set up a form to automate making the initial page).


There are four taxonomies we'll use to organize the site: characters, plot, author, and category. You'll be able to set them in the Options tab when editing a page. They are case sensitive, so please make sure you're careful to keep capitalization consistent — selecting from the auto complete drop down will help make this easier. When creating new taxonomies, please use Camel Case.

  • characters is used to indicate which characters are involved, we can discuss if we want to just tag player characters or shared npcs as well.
  • plot is used to indicate which plot/s a post is involved with.
  • author is the player or players who wrote the post. The system will automagically insert your username when creating a page. but you will need to manually add it if editing an existing page.
  • category is used to indicate if the content is in character or out of character.


All plot posts, character bios, and news items will be posted within the Home area of the site, as blog items: Page Template: item, Parent: Home.

All players will have read and edit access for all pages. As this is an invite only game, I trust that everyone can figure out how to communicate before jumping into a post they didn't start. We may also consider a convention to indicate something is open to all players or limited. Grav defaults to publishing something the first time you save it, but you can unpublish it until it's ready by going to the options tab, then clicking on no next to the published option.

You can create an author page for yourself by adding a new page to the Author section of the site that matches your username. Fill it with whatever information you'd like to share about yourself. It's recommended you at least include what name you'd like to be addressed with, and which characters you write; just keep in mind that this information will be publicly accessible by anyone visiting the website. (I can potentially change this, if we think we need to, but I believe the site is easier to use if the front end pages aren't behind a login since Grav separates logging into the admin panel and the publicly facing site.)


All players are welcome to jump in and add to the lore in whatever capacity they wish. Please approach with a 'yes, and...' mindset of building on top of whatever someone else has established instead of undoing what's already there. If something you want is at odds with something that already exists, discuss in Discord how we can make room for both concepts or how we can compromise so everyone is having a good time writing in the setting.

If you wish to add a new page to the lore, it will be posted as a default page type: Page Template: default, Parent: Lore. If we put enough information into Lore, we may further nest pages, but I'm still learning Grav so I don't know how deep we can nest the menus yet. Do not assign taxonomies to lore pages.


Grav uses markdown to format all content. There are two links with more information found as icons in the admin menu (a pencil, and a pencil writing on a page for Markdown and Markdown Extra respectively), but the basics are covered within the toolbar at the top of the content text area. I'll add information on how to use features added by extensions to this section as well, such as the image gallery (likely to mostly be used in character bios and lore pages). Feel free to look at the extensions available for Grav and let me know if any of the others might be useful so I can install them.